I came from dirt but it doesn't mean I have to be dirty

Saturday, February 7, 2009

what am I 10?

I'm nearly 16 year old and I'm on punishment.
yes, not just stay in the house punishment but
I'm taking your cell phone no house phone punishment.
Like seriously and while I'm explaining this to someone
they say "awww I remember sneaking on the phone!"
really though... did you have to say that? BITCH!
yeah I feel like I'm 10 years old . i cn't see him
i cnt call him Does this life suck? yeah it does.

1 comment:

  1. Damn, I use to feel like that.
    Don't worry though, find something creative to do because your parent is probably going to stick with it . . at first.
    when you gain your freedom back , don't bullsht . . they'll pull that punishment card again .

