okay so i kirked out yesterday
..... i'm chilling today ..
just thinking about the future
what summer shall bring
brighter days if you must.
Aruba time is approaching fast
I am enthusiastic about this but at the same
time very skeptical ....
I don't have the beach ready body I wanted
I still have jelly filled arms
and flubber for stomach...
I dread summer ...
I hate the girls and their slim bodies
wearing skimpy clothing i wouldnt dare touch
and then theres me...
wearing what seems to be cute to me
then i step out into the outside world
and find the shit i just put on looks like
ne old thing compared to everyone else.
Niggas don't see me ....
Everyonce in a while Ill go out and maybe
someone will talk to me but usually it's
my beautiful friends getting all the love..
school doesn't count yeah i get the bait in school
but thats only becuase my butt looks gigantic in khakis
outside of school .... im just ur average plain jane lookin
broad...... maybe thicker than her though ...
but still like I said my mood is better and I
dare not bring it down . so I'm taking me
and my big ass beach whale body to
aruba and im going to have a good time.
Forget those that over look me because
I can only go up from here and those that
doubted me and those that turn there noses
upon me will have regrets...
my time will come one day ..
thats me to the left ... i liked the pic
when i took it but after upoading it to the computer
it's really radther ... ugly
stupid hair that is going natural
haven't had a perm in 5 months
that looks real shitty
fat ass grandma flubber arms
that i hate when people squeeze
dumb ass bubble stomach that could definatley
skip a meal or two .... or 5
and freakin back fat ...
wheres the self love
havent joined any sports becuase
i quit them all as soon as i start....
just bn fat ....
fuck it once again .....
one day ill be where
i wanna be but as 4 now
.... this is me .
like it or not.