I came from dirt but it doesn't mean I have to be dirty

Saturday, March 14, 2009

When you’re fearful, you stumble.

i forget where exactly i hear this quote.
but it's true
truer than true (is truer a word?)
Anyways back to fear
all my life i been s scardy cat
i don't know i just don't have ne back bone
i mean i dnt let ne bitch me forreal
but i don't have no spunk like
no zestfulness . I dnt go crazy
and jst live my life "ayyy yaaa yaaa"
but seriously i spend all my time
being fearful that i am not happy.
it messes up my aura and shit...
it makes me Fall flat on my
scared face.

..... well thats all for now
ill blog more later
. my blogs been short lately and
kinda meaning less but this shit
is for me to empty my mind ...
so if you dnt like my blog

1 comment:

  1. UMMMM ... yeah . exactly .

    you need to start livin life my friend .

    start off this way: make a highlight of your
    day EVERYDAY . even if it may be small, it'll
    be something that was made into your memory bacnk which made you happy .
    start off small end up biggg .
    have a good one, love youu bff ! =] *muah

